Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hanging on to Max

Most parents are responsible adults who have jobs and a done or almost done with school. There are some parents, though, who still go to school and don’t have job, teenagers. Many of these parents give up school, or give their kids up for an adoption, or if they find out early that they are going to become parents they have an abortion. There are some teenagers, however, who keep their kids and go to school. Hanging on to Max is the book that talks about it.

Sam Pettigrew is one of these parents. Sam didn’t want to give up his son, Max for an adoption, and when he heard that his ex-girlfriend decided to give Max up, Sam proposed to take their baby. Now Sam is trying to keep up with his school work, and be a good parent for Max.

Sam meets Claire, the girl from his old school and finds out that she has a baby too. They go out and have a great time. They both like each other. Sam has homework piling up every day. When they go for dinner to Sam’s old friend’s house, little Max gets cut by broken glass. The next day Sam thinks of giving him up for an adoption.

What will Sam really do? He is a teenage father, who has dreams, and really good grades. On the other hand he really loves Max, and wants only the best for him. This book was great and really touching. I enjoyed reading it, and I’m sure that you will too.

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